Is it true that soda enlarges the penis? Surprisingly, this is true. The substance is sodium bicarbonate, which dilutes the blood. This phenomenon helps well during gymnastics to enlarge the penis.
Fluid blood is distributed in sufficient quantities in all organs of the genitourinary system. At the same time, the substance does not allow the formation of dangerous blood clots - one of the complications that occur during exercise.
Penis enlargement is quite possible with soda, but you need to use this product properly, use it regularly and follow safety precautions. In addition, this method attracts attention with its low cost and availability, because the products can be purchased in any store.
Benefits of baking soda
Before learning how to enlarge your penis with baking soda, check the beneficial properties of the substance.

The main advantages of baking soda are:
- Local irritation of the skin causes an increase in blood circulation and, consequently, a temporary swelling of the penis.
- Due to the local effect, the erection of the penis improves, which is important for those who have minor problems with potency.
- Interesting fact: some experts claim that mild irritation of the penis is an excellent prevention of diseases of the pelvic region.
- Fast start of results. If your meeting will take place in a few hours and you plan to enlarge your penis and pleasantly surprise your partner, this is the right choice.
- You can really enlarge your penis with baking soda, and at the same time you should not resort to pills and radical surgeries, which are not very useful. Soda has a local effect on the body, so it does not harm the liver and other organs.
- The affordable price is another benefit of baking soda, which helps enlarge your penis. Any man can buy it, regardless of his financial means.
Preparation for the augmentation procedure
You need to prepare for penis enlargement before you start.
Here are some key tips:
- Get baking soda. It is advisable not to save money and choose the most expensive option without impurities.
- Make sure you are not allergic to soda before applying it to such a delicate area to enlarge your penis. To do this, moisten the area on the elbow with water and apply a small amount of baking soda. You can check the epidermis after an hour: if there is no redness, itching and irritation, you can safely start the experiment.
- Your genitals must be ready for therapeutic growth, ie it is recommended to steam them in warm water. Do this with a piece of compress or just in the shower.
- Prepare additional components for enlargement massage (if you need the chosen method for penis enlargement).
- For maximum comfort as you grow up, pack dry and wet hygiene wipes to quickly remove excess baking soda.
Tips for penis enlargement with soda
There are several ways to enlarge your penis:
- Apply vegetable oil to the penis (it is better to use olive oil to completely soften the skin). The soda is then applied to the surface of the genitals with light massaging movements. The enlargement procedure should be continued for a few minutes, after which the remnants of the composition are thoroughly washed with water and a moisturizer is applied to the intimate area to prevent irritation.
- Steaming your penis in a bath is another effective way to help your penis grow instantly. Dilute baking soda (a tablespoon) in a liter of warm water. Put the penis in a container with the solution for about 15 minutes. After taking this compact bath, wash the rest of the composition with water and then use a moisturizing cream.
- An equally effective recipe for penis enlargement with soda is to mix the powder with honey in equal proportions (it also allows the genitals to grow faster). Apply the resulting consistency to the surface of the penis, hold for a few minutes and massage with your hands. An interesting fact: this recipe can not only increase the size, but also increase the sensitivity of the head, so use it before a romantic evening to improve feelings during sex. Helpful Hint: Take natural honey in liquid form to get results. Synthetic products with flavors will do more harm than good.
There is another method: soda is injected into the penis, after which a vacuum pump is applied to the genitals. The device is used according to the instructions (air is pumped, released for a few minutes and then released). Thanks to this combined method, it is possible to improve the movement of blood through the veins several times, ie the result will be even more pronounced.
If you want maximum comfort and growth, try to use soda in warm water while taking a bath.
Baking soda compress is another proven effective option for penis enlargement. Prepare a solution (a glass of warm water, a tablespoon for the product). Dip one foot into warm paraffin and wrap it around your penis for five minutes. So you are guaranteed to be able to enlarge your penis!
We get maximum results
A simple recipe for penis enlargement with soda helps to make good changes in the parameters of the genital organ. With regular use, men notice that the penis lengthens and thickens to 2-3 cm in length. This method does not give long-term results, but if you take a bath every day for 1 month or rub the skin, the phallus will be visible. growth, this is especially noticeable in the upright position. The main thing is to take a break. We replace one-month classes with a break of 1-2 weeks.
Large amounts of sodium bicarbonate dry out the skin. To prevent this, thoroughly remove the residue and moisturize the penis with a good cream each time after the procedure. The maximum effect of the use of baking soda can be achieved only in combination with other methods. For example, you can do special exercises after a bath or use a vacuum pump, expander. This will not only strengthen the result, but also significantly improve it.
Drink soda inside
Soda is allowed to be taken along with other methods to increase penis growth. Moderate amounts of soda have a beneficial effect on the body's internal systems. In some cases, it occurs due to insufficient size of the genitals and accompanying diseases that occur without signs of slow erection.
Regular use of baking soda to cleanse the body of toxins that cause inflammatory and infectious diseases.
Soda should be taken in minimal amounts: a quarter teaspoon twice a day between meals (it is recommended to dilute the substance in a liquid). If the body tolerates baking soda well, you can increase the amount up to a teaspoon.
Will the event affect the member's parameters and help increase it? Directly - no. However, drinking soda inside will have a positive effect on your health and well-being, and will help to avoid inflammatory and infectious processes.
Please note: if you already have bacterial or other diseases of the genitourinary system, they should be treated with appropriate drugs, and folk remedies for penis enlargement can be used only with a doctor's prescription. In addition, soda is contraindicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive disorders and allergic reactions. If you experience abdominal pain, nausea and heartburn, frequent stools, you should stop such treatment as soon as possible and consult a specialist.
Precautions when using baking soda
The following are recommendations that every member of the stronger sex who decides to practice should follow:
- The sense of proportion is above all. Do not use too much penis soda and do not rub it several times a day, otherwise you will get redness and severe burns.
- If you have allergic reactions to this or any other ingredient, be careful and apply the product to a small area of skin first.
- Do not rub baking soda on skin damaged by scratches, scuffs or irritation. Otherwise, the damage to the genitals will get worse and you will need the help of a doctor.
- Do not rub baking soda too aggressively, try not to touch the head of the penis and mucous membranes.
- Do not use expired product. In addition to being useless, it can cause undesirable epidermal reactions and allergies. Do not use products with questionable color and unpleasant odor.
- If there are pathological congenital deformities of the penis, such methods are also prohibited.
- Learn the theory before you start practicing. Video materials will help you in this work, where the ratios, time of the procedure and other nuances are shown in detail.
Side effects
The most common side effects include:
- Allergic reactions (rarely, when administered orally, severe forms accompanied by severe edema and respiratory depression occur, in which case call an ambulance immediately).
- Slight redness and swelling of the genitals (this is completely normal and disappears within half an hour).
- Ingestion - stool disorders, heartburn, bloating and swelling of the abdominal cavity.
- Painful sensations, burning of the penis (mostly mucous membranes).
- Erectile dysfunction, potential problems.
- Pain during sexual intercourse.
- Rarely - the appearance of spider veins in the groin.
- In case of damage, a secondary infection may be associated with rash, purulent discharge, and discomfort during urination.
How to enlarge your penis with baking soda
To increase the thickness or length of the penis at home, it is necessary to make initial preparations before the procedure. Here are some tips to help you do just that:
- Get a large bag of baking soda. Do not try to save money, find an expensive option without foreign impurities.
- Be sure to test for baking soda allergy. Do not risk wetting your penis with soda without doing so. To do this, you need to moisturize the elbow layer, and then apply a little product there. After an hour, look at the condition of the skin: if there is no redness, itching, start experimenting with baking soda.
- The male organ should be prepared for therapy, first evaporated with lukewarm water. Follow the procedure using a one-piece compress.
- Prepare additional massage ingredients to change the size of the penis (if necessary in the recipe recommended for penis enlargement at home).
- To make the manipulations as comfortable as possible, by enlarging the size of the penis with baking soda, wrap it in dry and wet hygiene wipes that help to quickly remove excess soda from the epidermis and mucous membranes.
Preparation for penis enlargement with soda
Understanding that soda can increase penis size, you should explore different ways to use the product:
- Apply olive oil on the surface of the penis - it completely softens the delicate skin. Then it's time to use baking soda. It should be applied with gentle massage movements. The manipulation should continue for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly with the remaining soda water and lubricate the penis with a moisturizer to help prevent irritation.
- Does baking soda enlarge your penis while steaming in the bath? Yes, it is a powerful way to instantly increase your dignity. How is baking soda used in this version? Dilute 1 tbsp. l. ingredients in warm water (1 liter of liquid is enough). Place the genitals in the bath for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, wash off the remnants of the composition, apply a moisturizer.
- As a means of enlarging the penis, it is recommended to use soda with honey, mixing the products in equal proportions. Apply the ointment to the genitals, wait a few minutes, then massage the genitals with your hands. Such a recipe, in addition to increasing the size, increases the sensitivity of the head of the body, which is useful before sexual intercourse to increase feelings.
How soda works to increase the male body
To understand why baking soda is suitable for enhancing male dignity, you need to understand a little about the beneficial qualities of the product:
- Soda provides local irritation of the epidermis, which activates blood circulation. Then the penis temporarily swells.
- After that, the erection increases, which is important for some intimate problems.
- The substance gives fast results. Using any recipe, you can achieve instant penis enlargement that will pleasantly surprise your sexual partner.
- A real increase in male dignity occurs without the use of pills or surgery.
- The item is cheap and easy to obtain.
True, soda increases the penis
Fluid blood is actively distributed within the genitourinary system. The substance prevents the possibility of blood clots with complications during massage exercises.
How soda is used to enlarge the male body
You can learn how to properly use the substance to enlarge the penis not only from publications, but also from the reviews of men who apply this technique in practice.
Although penis enlargement with sodium bicarbonate is a temporary solution, it is an effective measure. Soda is not able to correct congenital anomalies, but it can strengthen the erection during sex.
Here are some popular ways to enlarge your penis
Today, there are many ways to enlarge the genitals: surgery, dietary supplements, the use of special creams, vacuum pumps, as well as weight-bearing substances that can harm men's health. In addition, massage is recommended to enlarge the penis, and traditional medicine does not stop there.
One of the most popular penis enlargement methods that has been used successfully for a long time is the use of soda. This method can be easily combined with other methods such as massage. Another advantage of using baking soda is its relative safety, unlike many questionable creams. There is a risk that the man will not be able to fully perform sexual activity after the operation. Weights are dangerous because they can damage the penis.
Preparation for penis enlargement with soda
Understanding that soda can increase penis size, you should explore different ways to use the product:
- Apply olive oil on the surface of the penis - it completely softens the delicate skin. Then it's time to use baking soda. It should be applied with gentle massage movements. The manipulation should continue for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly with the remaining soda water and lubricate the penis with a moisturizer to help prevent irritation.
- Does baking soda enlarge your penis while steaming in the bath? Yes, it is a powerful way to instantly increase your dignity. How is baking soda used in this version? Dilute 1 tbsp. l. ingredients in warm water (1 liter of liquid is enough). Place the genitals in the bath for a quarter of an hour. After the procedure, wash off the remnants of the composition, apply a moisturizer.
- As a means of enlarging the penis, it is recommended to use soda with honey, mixing the products in equal proportions. Apply the ointment to the genitals, wait a few minutes, then massage the genitals with your hands. Such a recipe, in addition to increasing the size, increases the sensitivity of the head of the body, which is useful before sexual intercourse to increase feelings.
Attention! Liquid natural bee products are required to achieve maximum efficiency. Synthetic honey is harmful for this.
Many articles have been written about how soda affects masculinity. Soda compresses are a proven option to increase penis size. Prepare a strong solution (1 tablespoon in a glass of slightly warmed water). Dip one foot into warm paraffin, then wrap your penis in a cloth and wait for five minutes. Using this technique, you will be guaranteed to increase the size of your genitals!
Question: How to use soda when taking a bath? Is it true that such a procedure increases the size of the penis?
Answer: Indeed, if you want to get results in a comfortable environment, you need to add soda directly to the bath. The product will increase the sensitivity of the head, allowing you to save time when cleaning the water.
When sitting in the bathroom, use gentle strokes to lengthen your penis. To do this, hold the body with two fingers, moving it towards your head. An important condition: no pain, burning sensation or other discomfort. If this condition is observed, stop the procedure. Penis extension techniques in the bathroom are an excellent choice to ensure the proper functioning of the arteries.
Tips for penis enlargement with soda
There are several ways to enlarge your penis:
- Apply vegetable oil to the penis (it is better to use olive oil to completely soften the skin). The soda is then applied to the surface of the genitals with light massaging movements. The enlargement procedure should be continued for a few minutes, after which the remnants of the composition are thoroughly washed with water and a moisturizer is applied to the intimate area to prevent irritation.
- Steaming your penis in a bath is another effective way to help your penis grow instantly. Dilute baking soda (a tablespoon) in a liter of warm water. Put the penis in a container with the solution for about 15 minutes. After taking this compact bath, wash the rest of the composition with water and then use a moisturizing cream.
- An equally effective recipe for penis enlargement with soda is to mix the powder with honey in equal proportions (it also allows the genitals to grow faster). Apply the resulting consistency to the surface of the penis, hold for a few minutes and massage with your hands. An interesting fact: this recipe can not only increase the size, but also increase the sensitivity of the head, so use it before a romantic evening to improve feelings during sex. Helpful Hint: Take natural honey in liquid form to get results. Synthetic products with flavors will do more harm than good.
There is another method:
Soda is injected into the penis, after which a vacuum pump is applied to the genitals. The device is used according to the instructions (air is pumped, released for a few minutes and then released). Thanks to this combined method, it is possible to improve the movement of blood through the veins several times, ie the result will be even more pronounced.
If you want maximum comfort and growth, try to use soda in warm water while taking a bath.
In this case, soda will increase the sensitivity of the head and you can save time while taking water treatments. In the bathroom, gently stretch the penis lengthwise, holding it with two fingers and moving it towards the head. In this case, you should not feel a burning sensation or pain, if you feel discomfort, stop this procedure. Stretching bath with this food is a great way to ensure that the arteries in your pelvic region work well.
Baking soda compress is another proven effective option for penis enlargement. Prepare a solution (a glass of warm water, a tablespoon for the product). Dip one foot into warm paraffin and wrap it around your penis for five minutes. So you are guaranteed to be able to enlarge your penis!